Beef Facts - Resources & Directory
Beef Facts - Resources & Directory

There are various breeds of cattle all over the world and they all came from a single ancestor called aurochs. A lot of people believe that cattle was first domesticated in Asia and Europe because remains were found that dated back to 6,500 BC in Turkey. Romans had recorded seeing red cattle in southwestern England and the red Devon cattle from that area are considered one of the oldest beef breeds that still exists today. Two Devon heifers and a Devon bull were imported to the Plymouth colony from Britain in 1623, and these three were most likely the first purebred cattle to have reached North America.

Texas Longhorn cattle breeds came from ancestors who were brought to the American's. This breed of cattle was able to survive as a primitive cattle and after the destruction of the buffalo herds they occupied the Great Plains. Other cattle breeds that exist today which had been imported in to America are Hereford, Angus and Shorthorn. Brazil and the United States are the top beef producing countries in the world today. All fifty states that make up the United States have beef cattle in scattered ranches and farms. The United States produces about 25% of the supply for the worlds beef and has less than 10% of the world's cattle population.

There are over 900 different breeds of cattle that have been reported in the world today. Breed registrations for many specific breeds are maintained by breed associations. Some cattle breeds have been able to be traced back 600 years or more to their ancestry. Many of the produces cattle in the United States today are crossbred.